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Deep Learning

MLOps Infrastructure & Tooling

by Hangii 2023. 2. 15.

Full Stack Deep Learning 강의를 듣고 정리한 내용입니다.

📌3 Buckets of ML Infrastructure & Tooling Landscape

  • Data
-	Sources
-	Data Lake/Warehouse
-	Processing
-	Exploration
-	Versioning
-	Labeling
  • Training/Evaluation
- 	Compute
-	Resource Management
-	Software Engineering
-	Frameworks & Distributed Training
-	Experiment Management
-	Hyperparameter Tuning
  • Deployment
-	CI/Testing
-	Edge(mobile/robotic hardware)
-	Web
-	Monitoring

📌Software Engineering

  • Programming Language
    • Python, because of the libraries
    • Clear winner in scientific and data computing
  • Editors
    • use text editors
    • Vim, Emacs, Jupyter, VS Code, PyCharm
    • VS Code makes for a very nice Python experience
      • built-in git staging and diffing
      • peek documentation
      • Open whole projects remotely
      • Lint code as you write
      • Use the terminal integrated in the editor
      • notebook port forwarding (opens notebooks(e.g.Jupyter) in the browser seamlessly)
      • Linters and Type Hints
      • Static analysis can catch some bugs(like using a variable never defined)
      • Static type checking both documents code and catches bugs
    • Jupyter Notebooks
      • Notebooks have become fundamental to data science
      • Great as the "first draft" of a project
      • Jeremy Howard from fast ai. 추천!!(course.fast.ai videos)
      • Problems with notebooks: hard to version, notebook IDE is primitive, very hard to test, out-of-order execution artifacts, hard to run long or distributive tasks
      • Counterpoints to these problems: some companies has made good workflow in the notebook
    • Streamlit
      - New, but great at fulfilling a common ML need: interactive applets
      • Decorated normal Python code
      • smart data caching, quick re-rendering
  • Setting up environment

📌Compute Hardware

  • GPU
    • NVIDIA is the only game in town
    • Google TPUs are the fastest
  • Cloud
    • Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure are the heavyweights.
    • Heavyweights are largely similar in function and price.
      • AWS most expensive
      • GCP just about as expensive, and has TPUs
      • Azure reportedly has bad user experience
    • Startups are Coreweave, Lamda Labs, and more
  • On-prem
  • In Practice
    • Even though cloud is expensive, it's hard to make on-prem scale past a certain point
    • Dev-ops(declarative infra, repeatable processes) definitely eadier in the cloud
    • Maintenance is also a big factor
  • Recommendation for hobbyist
    • Development
      • Build a 4x Turing or 2x Ampere PC
    • Training/Evalutaion
      • Use the same PC, just always keep it running
      • To scale out, use Lambda or Coreweave cloud instances.

📌Resource Management

📌Deep Learning Frameworks

  • Unless you have a good reason not to, use Tensorflow/Keras or PyTorch
  • Both have converged to the same point:
    • Tensorflow uses eager execution -> Pytorch랑 비슷한 code 작성 가능, and Pytorch got faster using TorchScript
  • Most new projects use PyTorch (because it's more dev-friendly)
  • fast.ai library builds on PyTorch with best practices
  • PyTorch-Ligthning adds a powerful training loop
  • Hugging face
    • Tons of NLP-focused model architectures (and pre-trained weights) for both PyTorch and Tensorflow
  • Distributed Training
    • Using multiple GPUs and/or machines to train a single model.
    • More complex than simplt running different experiments on different GPUs
    • A must-do on big datasets and large models
  • Data Parallelism
    • If iteration time is too long, try training in data parallel regime
    • For convolution, expect 1.9x/3.5x speedup for 2/4 GPUs.

  • Model Parallelism
    • Model parallelism is necessary when model does not fit on a single GPU
      • Introduces a lot of complexity and is usually not worth it.(But this is changing.)
      • Better to buy the largest GPU you can, and/or use gradient checkpointing

📌Experiment Management

  • Problem:
    • Even when running one experiment at a time, you can lose track of which code, parameters, and dataset generated which trained model.
    • When running multiple experiments, problem is much worse.
  • Solutions:
    • Tensorboard
      • A fine solution for single experiments
      • Gets unwieldy to manage many experiments, and to properly store past work
    • MLFlow Tracking
      • self-hosted solution from DataBricks
    • Comet.ml
    • Weights & Biases
      • publish reports with embedded charts, figures, etc.

📌Hyperparameter Tuning

📌All-in-one Solutions

  • Single system for everything
    • development(hosted notebook)
    • scaling experiments to many machines(sometimes even provisioning)
    • tracking experiments and versioning models
    • deploying models
    • monitoring performance
  • FBLearner Flow
  • Google Cloud AI Platform
  • Amazon SageMaker
  • Neptune Machine Learning Lab
  • gradient by Paperspace
  • Determined AI
  • Domino Data Lab


💡READING: https://storage.googleapis.com/pub-tools-public-publication-data/pdf/43146.pdf

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